CofE Ethos and SIAMS report
Our vision is ‘to be the best that we can be’, to ‘dream big and aim high’ and that we are strongest working in unity. By inspiring learners, we grow together with high aspirations for all, so children and adults can flourish in nurturing communities throughout their lives.
Vision and Values
Ofsted comments September 2018
Ofsted comments about Vision and Values and distinctive Christian Ethos
RE Policy
Collective Worship Policy
VSF SMCS Policy 2018
The Place of Worship
Some helpful RE Facts:
- RE in voluntary controlled schools must be planned in accordance with the requirements of the local authority’s agreed syllabus for RE
- All children should have RE provision from Foundation to KS5
- Christianity should have a central role in the curriculum (approx. 2/3)
- At least 5-10% of curriculum time should be devoted to RE
- Other faiths should be covered, as outlined in the Locally Agreed syllabus