Child Protection and Safeguarding
Safeguarding Contacts in School
Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Mrs Emma Wallace - Executive Headteacher
Contact details: 01234 391282
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Mrs Moira Duffy
Mrs Liza Smith
Contact details: 01234 391282
Designated Online Safety Lead:
Designated prevent Lead:
Designated CSE Lead:
Designated FGM Lead:
Mrs Emma Wallace
Contact details: 01234 391282
Designated LAC (Looked After Children) Lead:
Mrs A Underwood - Inclusion Lead
Contact details: 01234 391282
Chair of Governing Body:
Miss V Morgan
Contact details:
Designated Governor for Safeguarding:
Miss V Morgan
Contact details:
Designated Governor for Safer Recruitment:
Mr S Ayling
Contact details:
VSF Safeguarding Team
Useful Links